First off, I want to say that I love what the people here are doing but I do have a problem. There is never any conversation about posts. There are tons and tons of links shared but most of the time they’re just articles that someone found interesting. I never see any true, meaningful discussion the way I do on reddit. Does anyone else have a problem with this or am I just shouting at the clouds? Is there anything we can do about it?

    1 year ago

    Yeah I agree, I would really like to see more discussion on Lemmy and beehaw in particular. I think this is because:

    1. There are less users here.
    2. Comments themselves drive engagement. I am more likely to comment on a thread like this where I can see a discussion in happening.

    One thing to bear in mind is that reddit started off by creating fake accounts that would post links and discuss things. It is definitely an option to do that on Lemmy and it might already be happening a bit with tools like gpt-4.