Russia has not adopted a legal framework on the prevention of human trafficking, no agency is responsible for maintaining statistics, and no one organizes awareness-raising campaigns about human trafficking. Moreover, the authorities regularly punish trafficked people for illegal actions that they were forced to commit while being trafficked, such as prostitution, illegal presence in the country, or drug dealing.

  • @0x815@feddit.deOP
    1 year ago

    do you not know where to prick Russia already?

    This is not about Russia or the Russians.

    Tell about the lawlessness against blacks by the police? or the fact that in France a white person cannot walk in certain areas without risking life and health…

    We report all the time when there is “lawlessness”, no matter where it happens, and unfortunately there’s a lot to do.

    I don’t know why you post this picture, btw.

    • anji
      51 year ago

      Bad shit happens in every country in the world, and it should be called out and discussed. Nationalism making people get all defensive about any criticism of their country is such weird behavior to me. Don’t we all want to live in better societies? How can society get better if we ignore problems.

    • @pescetarian
      01 year ago

      Maybe because we need to know our heroes by sight!? Isn’t that right? Wrote nonsense, be kind so that everyone knows you by sight, I think so! Her piece of glory!!!