the boys are doing lord’s work converting people to MLism and SWCC

    41 year ago

    All of what you wrote are very salient points, and i wish that the Deprogram had someone on who could explain to them and their audience all of this and more. As i’ve said before, i get the impression that unfortunately, as informed and educated as they all are on other subjects, the three of them appear to be quite un-/misinformed as to the Russia-Ukraine situation especially prior to 2022, as well as about what triggered the US backed neonazi coup in 2014, and about what has been happening all over Ukraine, not just in the Donbass. I wish they wouldn’t get their info exclusively from a fifth columnist Russian who calls himself a communist (possibly a Trotskyist, idk) but has taken up a position that goes directly against that of the biggest communist party in Russia and sounds almost exactly like a liberal.

      41 year ago

      I have two more guesses to make. Some of them know and some of them do not about the past in detail, and so to avoid conflict, the thing is just slid under the rug. Another possibility is that to be able to capture more people fully into socialism, they realise how far radicalised and detached the views of western people are, so they have kept the entry barrier low enough with Russian SMO.