I’m trying to set up Lemmy on my VPS. The server is running Ubuntu 22.04, and is currently hosting several websites, including a Calckey instance. As such, I already have nginx set up as a reverse proxy, and PostgreSQL installed and in use . After attempting to fiddle haphazardly with docker-compose.yml with little success, I stumbled across a post from someone in a similar position to me, who was advised to try installing Lemmy from scratch.

So far, I’ve installed Rust successfully, updated Postgres to version 15.2, and overcome a few hiccups by updating build-essentials, and installing protobuf-installer, but I’ve now hit a roadblock during compilation.

The command I’m using to compile is, taken from the instructions, cargo install lemmy_server --target-dir /usr/bin/ --locked --features embed-pictrs. It successfully compiles a long list of components, but it trips over lemmy_server v0.17.0, spitting out the following error:

   Compiling lemmy_db_schema v0.17.0
error: proc macro panicked
   --> /root/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/lemmy_db_schema-0.17.0/src/utils.rs:152:44
152 | pub const MIGRATIONS: EmbeddedMigrations = embed_migrations!();
    |                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: message: Failed to receive migrations dir from None

error: could not compile `lemmy_db_schema` due to previous error
error: failed to compile `lemmy_server v0.17.0`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/usr/bin/`

I know the instructions for this are a bit dated (as is the version it’s trying to install), and that you’re not really supporting this install method, but I was hoping someone might be feeling generous and could point me in the general direction that I need to head from here. Or, better yet, if there’s now a way to get the docker setup to work with my existing services.

Thanks in advance for any amount of help any of y’all can provide.

  • @KichaeOP
    21 year ago

    Ok, cool. I’m not familiar with Rust at all, so I didn’t just want to try straight from the repo from the get go, but if it’s that simple, then that’s perfect.
