I’ve heard conflicting things about their political orientation.

  • @aleshasmiles@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I’m not getting into the weeds about this with a stranger, but it’s apparent that you don’t understand that simply using mean name calling against the people in power is not the same as the people in power using hate speech to further their systemic order based on bigotry. You can’t be racist to white people as long as white supremacy is the status quo.

    • What power do I have? I’m not a mod of any kind here, and if I had any power in society do you think I would be here? I’ll grant I’m privileged, but power is something else that I neither have nor want.

        • @CommisarChowdahead@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          Do you mean like, being white I have the power to commit hate crimes? I mean, suppose, but like I said I wouldn’t want to do that kind of thing any way.

          • That’s not what is being said, you dense fuck. Calling “cracker” a slur is fucking stupid, because White supremacy is still entrenched as the dominant ideology in the US.

            • @CommisarChowdahead@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              Would you prefer I said epithet? Is that more accurate?

              You’re right about white supremacy, didn’t I essentially acknowledge that with my comment?

              • didn’t I essentially acknowledge that with my comment?


                I’ll grant I’m privileged, but power is something else that I neither have nor want.

                Privilege IS power

                • I’ve understood privilege in the context I am talking about, white racial privilege, to mean exemption from certain oppressions that others face rather than some sort of dispensation of power (of course other than to commit hate crimes and such). If that’s an insufficient understanding, would you care to clarify?

                  • Do you genuinely not comprehend that by having privilege, by being exempt from oppression, as you yourself have just stated, you have more power?