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  • @frippa
    71 year ago

    lmao not good, the secretary is a literal cop (or even worse, a judge), the party is reformist and - even if its the biggest - it has only 4 seats in the regional councils, not even 1 seat in the parliament.

    i still have optimism, few months from here a meeting of the party will be held, with 80% certainty the current cop secretary will be ousted.

    The party is more of a coalitions of leftist parties, that go from demsucc to marxist-leninist. i believe this approach is good. Lenin wrote many lines on making alliances with people that could possibly help, the biggest party in the coalition is socialist.

    The party took 1.5% at our last national elections (we have a threshold of 3%, so it didnt even get a seat.), a small splinter of another party (not a socialist one, but still “anti-enstablishment”) said they would join the coalition.

    the party is “unione popolare” btw

    we have another communist party (we have tens of them actually) that is literally called “communist party” (partito comunista), they were cool, marxlen and all but now, to attract votes from the anti-enstablishment right they’re starting to push anti-vax and conspiratory narratives, overall not a cool thing, expecially considering that that party is the one endorsed by Cuba and (i believe) VietNam and China, even though i dont think they would endorse them today…

    PS: i published this comment and it ended up on another post, lemmy bug much