Pro-Ukraine demonstration in Berlin

    21 year ago

    We have similar problems here. Same like in most countries it’s a weird fringe left and otherwise prominent far right parties who think russia is fighting a just war here…

    • petrescatraianOP
      11 year ago

      @sexy_peach That’s sad. Perhaps, if they had any previous experience of “being liberated by fascism” the same way this part of Europe was, then some of these people would see Russia differently.

      It’s anyway part of Russia’s divide et impera hybrid war strategy to divide and polarize nations and alienate both the far left and the far right (as they are the easier target for propaganda). Wonder what’s his strategy now that he sees his army being just a rusty war machine. If this invasion showed anything to us, it’s that Russia is less powerful and dangerous as it likes itself to display. Hopefully people realize it’s less reliable as well.

        21 year ago

        I feel like many eastern Europeans are quick to brand the Soviet Union as fascistic. Mussolini and the Nazis in Germany were fascists, there are fascists all over the world, but I think that the Soviet union was “only” totalitarian. What do you think?

        • petrescatraianOP
          21 year ago

          @sexy_peach Soviet Union was not fascist in any way. It was communist (of course, another totalitarian regime, just as fascism, but a tad different in its stated purpose). Current Russia, instead, is. It has this wild use of nationalism, imperialism, soviet-nostalgia thing that it combined and uses it to expand its power both inside and outside. It pretty much blurred the line between actual fascism, and it’s soviet past, in order to get to this regime.

          Imo, Russia pretty much ripped itself from the rest of the world mentally and shut itself in before any serious sanction kicked in (these only impacted Russia economically). Sure, the US let itself a bit too central since the end of the Cold War, and got a bit spoiled for this. But this doesn’t help the fact that Russia could actually choose to be democratic and respect people’s freedoms, and be friendly with other nations. Let’s just hope the world comes out not so much affected after this crysis.