The outpouring of support has been amazing!

We can now safely pay for 1 year of our new hosting plan with 80 gigs of space against our current 40!

Our next milestone is 2 years worth of hosting, after which all collected donations will form an excess which we will spend democratically (if ever).

2 years of hosting is essentially enough to form a safety net for us so that we might never have to worry about paying for hosting again.

If you want to donate, we have several methods here:

Thank you very much comrades!

    11 year ago

    Have you all looked into Comradery? It seems like it’d be a good platform to jump on, given that it’s run as a co-op and if Patreon eventually decides to start removing left-wing projects.

    • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOP
      31 year ago

      I think we’ve looked into them before, but they require a full application to join them as a creator and you have to provide labour as a member of the coop, so we don’t know who to send as our representative and we’re already quite busy with prolewiki itself.