Like, so genders are social construct and different from biological “sex”, but identifying as a different “gender” requires surgery to change your “sex”? Is “gender” just personality? I’m so confused

Edit: also, the idea trans-affirming surgery and hormones is also absolutely horrifying to me for some reason; just, ouch

    181 year ago

    identifying as a different “gender” requires surgery to change your “sex”?

    No, in short. A minority of trans people undergo surgery. might help you with that a bit.

    Trans people vary; some trans people find having the “wrong” genitalia being part of their body a horrifying experience, and want them removing. Others want the “right” genitalia because without them, they struggle to perform (in the technical sense) the gender they identify with. Both of those feelings will lead people to attempt to change their bodies if they can; but they’re not a universal, essential, or all-encompassing part of trans experience.