• XTornado
    1 year ago

    Well for the social aspect I understand people not wanting. Or if their home there is noises or other people distracting or interrupting.

    But for the rest unless you need something specific that is only available there, home is much better.

    More time for you not wasted commuting.

    Easier to adapt the schedule to your needs, including personal errands on dead time or simply moving the schedule as needed as long as you work same time and you can connect the meetings or whatever at the right time all is fine.

    You can save money on food/drinks and even eat food just cooked if times allow it.

    If you have to be on call on certain weird hours you already have everything at home.

    Less stressed out if you are those that hate people looking while you work.

    Less distractions by other people just passing by if you live alone or nobody bothers you in your room/office.

    And other stuff probably.

    Of course there are jobs this is not possible or have security concerns. Or people that have small places / noisy places / other stuff or people bothering them at home. Then yeah an office could be better.