Has anyone in history made some valid criticism against Marxist ideology? And I’m not talking about the CIA propaganda no iPhone vuvuzela shit. But like, someone must’ve made some good point somewhere along the line?

I don’t want this to be a bash marxism thread. Just curious. Debates with people usually tend to incorporate the usual stuff that can be debunked easily.

  • Soviet Snake@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    As far as I know the only serious people who have criticized Marx are Popper, which I haven’t read but it doesn’t seem to hold much, Mario Bunge, which according to him provides a more rigorous materialist method, and Antonio Escohotado in his “Los Enemigos del Comercio” (The Enemies of Commerce"), which I think you could maybe get some interesting historical facts but I doubt really can affect Marxist theory.