Today I made a post about an hexbear rule I found strange, many comrades agreed but shortly after a debate ensued, the thread is still up, although locked, so anyone who wants can take a look and judge. One of the people I was arguing with is a moderator of lemmygrad, I got banned shortly after for being “disrespectful” and a lot of my comments were removed. Anyone who wants to judge should look up the post on the community “leftist infighting” they called me stupid, they strawmanned me and yet, who was banned? Me! I will leave some pictures in the comment so you can judge.

  • @frippaOPM
    31 year ago

    Moist leninist is who I’m referring to

    • @ttmrichter
      11 year ago

      I’m not sure I see a link between Moism and Leninism? I mean yes, if you squint right, you can see the foundations of some socialist thought in concepts like 简爱, and yes 墨子 was a powerhouse in the introduction of dialectic into Chinese thought (sadly underused since), but it’s still pretty much feudal, not even capitalist, structures in the end. What’s the link?