I have absolutely zero background or knowledge on coding/programming/IT/software/computing etc, but I’ve recently taken an interest in it. How much time, effort and resources would I need to sink into it in order to become at least borderline competent?

  • @NathanUp
    11 year ago

    That depends on your aptitude. How much time would it take you to become proficient at a musical instrument, a new branch of mathematics, or a new language? Like these skills, pogramming isn’t a simple matter of memorization; it requires using your knowledge to problem-solve and create novel solutions. Naturally, your ability to do that and learn the syntax is what will determine the time and effort you’ll need to commit.

    • @Shaggy0291@lemmygrad.mlOP
      21 year ago

      Sure, that goes without saying.

      As a ballpark measure though, how long did it personally take you to become proficient at computers, top to bottom?