For everyone regardless if you celebrate or not, I wish you all a wonderful day full of love, happiness, and time spent with those that matter to you. Merry Christmas Comrades, I’m thankful to have all of you in my life.

  • DankZedong
    131 year ago

    Merry Christmas!

    My gf gifted me a book about how all people are essentially okay beings. It’s not leftist per se but it makes some decent enough points (sometimes borderline commie). She listened to it as an audio book a while back and in defense of the book it did make her open to many of my communist ideas. It’s like the book helped her push past the ideology of ‘yeah, but muh human nature!’. I’m trying to introduce her to Parenti now as that is a very easy to read leftist author.

    Off to diner with family for the next two days.

    • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.mlOP
      81 year ago

      That sounds like a very interesting book! Definitely useful for overcoming that first barrier into communist thought, as many people sometimes forget that communism is not just some artificial economic system, but instead the natural state of being for humanity with our empathy and desire to band together to improve.

      I do hope her introduction to Parenti goes well along with the family gathering! Knowing you I except everyone in your family to be turned communist by the end of the first day haha. But Merry Christmas comrade! Have a wonderful next few days!

      • DankZedong
        61 year ago

        Knowing you I except everyone in your family to be turned communist by the end of the first day haha.

        Lmao. Doing my best <3

    • @DerPapa69
      61 year ago

      Nice, I’m happy for you comrade!

      Would you mind sharing the name of the book? It sounds exactly like what my SO needs

      • DankZedong
        81 year ago

        In Dutch it’s called De Meeste Mensen Deugen (Most people are okay). It’s by the author Rutger Bregman. It’s translated worldwide actually and the English version should be called Humankind: A Hopeful History.