truly a christmas gift

  • Capital - The means of which bourgoisie levels command over economies usually represented by “the amount of money” they possess but also includes rent seeking, owning of assets, owning of the means of production, resources, and distribution lines, and financing; typically.

    Capital accumulates classically by owning the means of production and paying labor less than the value of said labor. That surplus is profit. It is also modernly accumulated through rent, debt collection, super profits from the global south, unequal exchange between an imperialist core and a colonized area, expansion of markets outward, and monopolizing sectors of the economy into private hands.

    The structures that reinforce it are states that represent the interests of capital and level the monopoly of violence, legal deeds, and courts, and military expeditions to protect the rights of private property and the opening up and monopolizing of markets and resources.

    The base is our material conditions. These can be work conditions, living conditions, the means at which we transport people and resources. The base informs the superstructure. And through superstructure, the base can be altered.

    Superstructure is usually cultural things, religion, arts, and labor relations and how we explain the material contradictions of capital and how we negotiate those contradictions.

    And example is we live in a base material condition of abundance and yet we have a superstructural discussion of why we “live in a state of scarcity” and of course those of us who are arguing against that in hopes to change the relationship to the means of production. The base informs our superstructure, but it isnt absolute because it also informs the negation of bourgoisie thought and class consciousness.

    A vanguard is a party of professional revolutionaries whose job it is to help guide one class to realize their material interests over another class; in this sense a vanguard class that helps working masses realize their material interests and seizing that moment at the expense of the idle, passive, and parasitic capitalist class.

    You havent answered my questions. But I answered yours.

    But that doesnt change the fact that you came off like a tactless, insensitive prick and calling the violence of culture war as a nothing burger street fight. As if those who are having the violence done to them are somehow equally responsible for what you called… “A street fight”.

    Calling reactionary terrorism and right wing agitprop a culture war is a misnomer. It’s terrorism pure and simple. It’s stochastic terrorism pure and simple.

    The existence of Black Wall Street wasnt terrorism or even an equal participant in a “street fight”. The existence of Stonewall wasnt a terrorism and those people werent rolling out brutalizing breeders on the weekend cause “damn the straights”.

    But the actions of those angry white workers and petite bourgoisie crackers that firebombed Black Wall Street was terrorism. The cops that raided Stonewall and… Picked a fight with those patrons was a terrorism and a self defense against that terror.

    Whatever though.

      -11 year ago

      B+ on the base and superstructure part but I’m impressed. I’m sorry for raging you but it will at least our interaction will serve the cause of self improvement for us both. You seem to be confused by my use of the term street fight. I would consider anti-fascists brawling with the proud boys a street fight, yes. What would you call it? A tea party? This is what I meant, an actual street fight. I am being a tactless and rather blunt dick but I’m allowed, especially when someone comes at me acting like a rabid radlib despite not actually being one. I don’t have any interest in carrying an ounce of water for the democratic party’s culture propaganda, and whether you realize it or not you are doing so. The fact that violence is happening and needs to be defended against isn’t the problem, making the problems of the day end there is which is when it becomes a meaningless culture war against the fascists, something the 3 arrows crowd would be satisfied with, is. We all know who put them up to this, and why they listen to them, thus we know what is for us to do and what isn’t for us to do. Your arguments were filled with personal attacks, the enemy only raised to the fascists when that is never the end to the situation, and your splicing of popular liberal argumentative style of infusing outrage, expectations for your opponent, and over the top emotions are red flags to any leftist who has debated them which not only sets off a bad tone but most importantly doesn’t convince anyone of anything. The argument is authoritative and coercive instead of helpful and insightful. Do you see how you got stuck in a loop of specific histories of workers and the actions of the fascists from misunderstanding my argument, and can you imagine how it looked to me? Read back and see if you can understand what I’ve said. Even though it’s coming from a tactless dick, you should consider expanding your approach to debating such as reducing how much you rely upon emotions to drive you (you’ll end up missing things and it can lead you off on a tangent), and try to make your argument more based in your studies than identity. The liberals do that enough for us all.

      • You know what? You know what’s pretty interesting about the culture war thing?

        This is anecdotal of me; but I have NEVER seen online commies tell right wingers to stop falling for the culture war nonsense and stop carrying water for the GOP and their overt white supremacist agenda.

        Granted. I work for a living and when a coworker steps outta line and pops off with ridiculous right wing claims; I usually challenge it.

        But I dont ever see online communists tell conservative workers to drop the culture war bullshit and focus on the contradictions of capital. As if… There’s something okay with having white supremacist and cultural reactionary tendencies.

        It’s always the ones that have the violence happening to them and the allies of those people who have to “surrender the culture war” and be above it. To struggle to liberate the white worker AND tactically defend themselves from the terroristic outbursts from those ranks.

        Where is the responsibility of the conservative to not be a republican tool and to drop their made up grievances and stop terrorizing non-cishet non white workers because fox news told them that the gays wanna diddle their kids?

        You know… It’s a sussy lack of energy my guy. Im not accusing you of this. But it’s a pattern.

          11 year ago

          You’re continuing to think in the 2 party dynamic, as if there needs to be a disclosure every time of ‘fuck the other party also’. Western leftists don’t reject progressive social values, but we don’t lead with them either, that’s what the neoliberals in the democratic party do. If you’ve read as much as you ascertain then you know why we don’t bother trying to teach and improve MAGA (because it’s pointless, this is why we just attack them). You’re also entirely too concerned about identity politics and social issues, entirely missing the big picture of economics. If you’ve read what you have and you still are acting this way I have to ask what you do for a living for work?

            1 year ago

            Maybe I just think you’re an asshole?

            It could just be that. Just cause we agree on almost everything doesnt mean I am obligated to having a good impression of you?

            Let’s put it like this. The nature of my work leaves me dirty and my body physically tired. I get my hands dirty plenty.