truly a christmas gift

  • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOP
    101 year ago

    Rest assured that Maupin does not care a whole lot about societal issues.

    I’m sure he cares a little bit, in his own way. If he didn’t, he would have picked another grift.

    But above all, this venture of his is firstly meant to funnel money in his business (the CPI, which is a private business registered under his name).

      -41 year ago

      I mean I don’t like Maupin either but that’s a weak criticism. What’s to seperate CPI from the liberation school PSL runs? His ideology is just a mess of nonsense. If you watch his youtube videos, his little fire-side chats with unknown orange beverages, he contradicts himself and his supposed ideology quite often. Maybe lean more on that instead of speculating he’s financially grifting. We know he’s socially grifting out the ass.

      • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOP
        1 year ago

        I don’t understand the point you’re making.

        Liberation School is an online repository of educational resources that is run by a registered political party.

        CPI is a private business whose members spent their whole day canvassing for pocket change that went directly to Maupin while living out of a hotel room they had to pay for themselves, at the detriment of their social life and livelihood.

        Maybe lean more on that instead of speculating he’s financially grifting. We know he’s socially grifting out the ass.

        Various criticisms can be made of the same person – and even of the same observation – and can add to each other instead of detracting from each other, no?