Not that it’s so unbelievable a single person would spout libtakes, but this entire article is super sus. Why can’t anyone produce a single image? Radio Free Asia is used as a source in the wikipedia article twice, which surely doesn’t happen if something actually happened. Every other source used is a propaganda outlet and unreliable as well.

They explain why there aren’t any images by saying that China censored it, and in so doing banned using the word “Beijing” on Weibo. Which is obviously fucking ridiculous. Not to mention that that wouldn’t even affect information leaving the country.

  • commiespammer
    21 year ago

    If I throw a spider at a Chinese policeman, do I get called “spiderman”?

    • @Aria@lemmygrad.mlOP
      21 year ago

      Doesn’t even have to be at a police officer or at or near or witness by anyone. Just put up a sign that says you did it.