I live in a bigger city but I’m currently residing in a cabin in the woods, away from civilization. It has got a fire place going, some basic stuff and lots of board games etc. It also has a nice garden thing where you can just chill out for a bit. There’s beautiful woods surrounding it where you can walk.

I like living in the city, with all its chaos. But whenever I’m out in nature I feel this immense rest coming over me. I don’t know if I can actually live here, but for now it’s good. My gf’s family is talking about buying property in rural Sweden and they want to build a house there, one where the kids can always visit. I like the idea of living a rural simple life. Can’t leave the city now though, with all the activism going on. Bit harder to radicalize the deers in the woods.

  • I currently live in a small village/town and I prefer it that way. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I’m autistic, but I could never imagine living in a current Western city. I love the peace, nature and darkness at night outside.

    That said, the village/town was a lot more lively back in the day. We did have many local stores here that you could just walk to on foot but over time they all closed down for a more profitable location somewhere else. Also the dirty local bourgeois scum who buys up all the land around here keeps upping the rent. This made even the very last tiny store close forever.

    Honestly I can agree with some liveliness. But city center level liveliness would be way too much for me.