• SpaceCowboy
    2 years ago

    Got bored and gave up around the


    tuberculosis part.

    Just too long. I have a life to lead lol. Idk it was also kind of repetitive and the story was just above mildly interesting. I definitely got impatient at Arthur continually trusting Dutch…

    • commet-alt-w
      52 years ago

      yea, i know what you mean. the game really looses it’s human touch like 1/3 of the way through, the writing really just dies, and everything sounds like the repetitive npc it always was anyway. i have some other criticisms of the game as well. but man, that game had a feeling, like, riding around fighting the early national security state and wealthy white oligarchy with a winchester carbine rifle felt great

      that one year i went through like 10 (? or more?) video games and beat them all all the way through on hard.

      my life has been crazy destabalized through so many factors. video games all my life have been a way to deal with trauma. have found that indispensable in some regards. actually cried a couple times during cyber punk 2077 because of the emotional connections, with other characters, that can be developed throughout the story lines, just more or less pointing to my lack of community and severe loneliness/isolation/alienation