No lifting, hard to focus, tired earlier than usual, etc.

It’s been a week and I am just now feeling better. To be fair I also had some trouble sleeping due to allergies and a sore throat, but I thought I would share that the 3rd covid booster (I got Moderna) was a kick in the balls.

To be clear - the benefits are great - the numbers show that a fully vaccinated person is far less likely to get severe covid symptoms (like only 5-10% as someone unvaccinated) and half as likely to develop long covid. Please get vaccinated.

Also, I want to be clear that the weather is shifting dramatically where I live, I have allergies, and I’ve been going through a lot emotionally (coming out of my shell) all of which contribute to me not feeling physically great.

  • SpaceCowboyOPM
    22 years ago

    Oh I think we’re right on the cusp honestly. The Cubans and Chinese are getting close to an intra-nasal vaccine which prevents transmission and I’ve heard echoes in my covid-twittersphere of vaccines coming out of the Boston area… we’ll see though. I honestly think the Cuban vaccines are superior and the best bet for the near term.

    • I definitely trust Cuban and Chinese vaccines, but I doubt they’ll buy them in Europe.

      Back when the first vaccines came out, we refused Russian (as well as Chinese vaccines) because they’re “not safe”, despite the fact they passed all tests and doctors wanted them.

      • SpaceCowboyOPM
        22 years ago

        In my more paranoid moments I question how deliberate a lot of this mismanagement of the pandemic is, and then I remember than when you take a materialist analysis the motivation of keeping the money flowing and protecting their monopolies explains pretty much all of it.