• @cult
    -52 years ago

    The Kronstadt rebellion was a tragic end to the group of people that were probably the most responsible for bringing the Bolsheviks to power in the first place. The execution of these sailors is probably the moment Emma Goldman lost faith in the Bolsheviks

    • commet-alt-w
      2 years ago

      you do realize that all the old school kronstadt sailors went back to do those executions right? this is some straight non-sense propaganda

      edit: then not to mention they were executing infiltrators that went in and took command and control in kronstadt

      • @cult
        2 years ago

        around 2,000 sailors were executed afterwards. That’s how many “infiltrators” there were?

        Do you consider Emma Goldman herself a counterrevolutionary? What’s your opinion of her?

        • commet-alt-w
          52 years ago

          you’re sandwiching non-sense propaganda with a random take on emma goldman? what’s the point of demonizing revolutionaries in 2022 and bringing up someone who wasn’t there and didn’t even participate in revolution?

          • @cult
            -22 years ago

            I’m pro-revolutionary. I support Emma Goldman; I support the Left SRs that brought about the Russian revolution in the first place; I support the Black Army that defeated the Whites; I support the Kronstadt sailors that prevented the revolution from turning into a liberal revolution (which, by the way, the Bolsheviks originally believed it should be. They were pretty orthodox Marxists. It was the Kronstadt sailors that pushed them to embrace a more “permanent revolution” theory)

            Do you think it’s at all possible that you’re the one demonizing revolutionaries here? Just wondering, have you tried actually engaging with Goldman’s criticisms? Have you read her work? Do you consider it to be counterrevolutionary as well?

            What about Stepan Petrichenko? He lead the Kronstadt rebellion. He was also instrumental in bringing about the 1917 revolution. He’d been there throughout the whole thing. How is he counterrevolutionary when he was one of the original revolutionaries?

            • commet-alt-w
              22 years ago

              this type of antagonistic trolling don’t belong here. show yourself out

              • @cult
                -22 years ago

                Trolling? I’m genuinely asking to engage. I generally consider myself well-read on these topics and think I have a pretty critical eye on the relevant writing. So when I see something that goes against what I’ve researched for years I genuinely want to find sources that can challenge that

                You haven’t bothered to give me more than 2 sentences. I’d love to see any sources you might have for your claims

      • @cult
        12 years ago

        Big claims require big sources. If by “supported by” you mean in spirit, then yeah obviously the Allies would’ve supported any rebellion against the Bolsheviks. But if you’re claiming they had any material support, please provide a source

        What’s your excuse for the execution of the Left SRs? The SRs had much more widespread support throughout Russia than the Bolsheviks and were responsible for the vast majority of assassinations of the Tsar’s appointments. Probably the single most responsible party for bringing about the revolution in the first place (which makes sense considering the Bolsheviks were basically nonexistant in Russia because of their exile).

        What about the Makhnovtsi? Without them, the Red Army would’ve probably ended up losing against the Whites. Why did the Red Army crush them as soon as they stopped being useful? They were also the only major leftist group that were explicitly anti-anti-Semite. If they hadn’t been crushed, Ukraine would probably be devoid of Nazis today. What’s your excuse for that?