My sons will be receiving a Windows 11 gaming PC for Christmas. It has been a very long time since I’ve dealt with Windows so I am completely out of the loop.

Is malware still a concern with Windows 11? If so, what would you recommend we do about it?

Are there any other recommendations you’d like to offer?

Thank you for your time and expertise.

    2 years ago

    I’d also recommend installing Linux on it, although with the caveat that if the hardware is very new, you might want to postpone that decision for half a year or so. Then again, these days it’s not that clear – my gaming laptop (Asus Zephyrus G14) keeps hard crashing on Windows, and works just fine on Linux. And these days Linux/Proton plays all Windows games almost as well as Windows, some even better.

    Fedora or Ubuntu are both rather easy distros.