I knew it would happen one of these days - I am in America. It is kicking my ass, I was in bed from 11pm to 5pm today. I feel like garbage.

EDIT: Thank you all for the well wishes. I am feeling a little better today after sleeping for essentially a day and a half out in two days. Still very delirious and sick, though.

  • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.mlOP
    112 years ago

    I was masking, but (stupidly) still operating relatively normal. I don’t think I was eligible for a booster, though, so that might be why it’s kicking my ass so badly.

    Dang it. I’m actually scared. I really hope this goes away.

    • SpaceCowboy
      2 years ago

      They just made the boosters available, but don’t worry about that now. Worry about rest rest rest. Covid is still killing people but if you’re vaxxed it is very unlikely to do so.

      But don’t take it lightly if you really feel like you’re having difficulty breathing, go to the hospital. People who went to the hospital actually recover better (likely because they get put on oxygen which prevents lung deterioration). Assuming you have insurance.

    • @DerPapa69
      32 years ago

      You’ll be fine, comrade! Try not to think about it too much - the more you do, the worse you’ll feel. Hang kn there!