Useful tips imo

  • @electric_nan
    22 years ago

    I have to disagree with your first two points, at least partially. There are a lot of people for whom covid has had an isolating effect. My own friend circle has almost completely stopped having routine get-togethers like potlucks. I think we’ve all gotten in the habit of reclusion.

    This brings me to your second point: social bonds do take work. Sometimes they happen ‘naturally’, but it is almost always a consequence of time spent together (family, work, etc). If you aren’t spending a lot of time around other people, you’ll need to put in effort to change that. And you also sometimes need to make an effort to maintain your friendships. I’ve improved relationships with some family members over the last few years, just by making a conscious effort to call more often.

    I don’t have anything to add to your third point, since I’m not familiar with these videos. I do fully agree with your last point, and I agree that this makes everything, including relationships harder. I would just add that the isolation of covid has exacerbated these mental health issues for many people, myself included.