As suggested here, this is a thread for Korean language learners to share ressources, experiences, or ask questions.

I’m not sure how much activity this thread will get; if this thread sees more activity, I will adjust the frequency to be bi-weekly or weekly.

(next thread)

    • afellowkid@lemmygrad.mlM
      2 years ago

      I just uploaded some of the new PSA posters and their (Papago) translations

      Nice. I was thinking about posting some articles I was reading with a translation (either machine or my own), wasn’t sure if that would be well-received or not but maybe I will do that after all.

      Was also wondering if any of us who are learning Korean might want to work together on translating and article or something, as both a study method and a way of producing something. Not sure whether people would want to do that or not.