As suggested here, this is a thread for Korean language learners to share ressources, experiences, or ask questions.

I’m not sure how much activity this thread will get; if this thread sees more activity, I will adjust the frequency to be bi-weekly or weekly.

(next thread)

  • afellowkid@lemmygrad.mlM
    2 years ago

    I hope everyone’s studies are going well!

    Some words I learned this week:

    상대방 - the other party/side, one’s counterpart, one’s adversary

    한꺼번에 - all at once, at the same time, all together

    침탈 - pillage, plunder

    I also found this playlist of lectures about South Korea’s recent history:

    21세기 한국현대사

    It begins with the IMF crisis in 1997.