I’m not talking about you, dear fedizens Fedizens are built differently :p

normie social media; fb, instagram, linkedin etc

I mean business in a loose sense of the word, but not always to generate a profit.

Ex personal branding - marketting yourself a defacto product. Ex; linkedin as a whole. Instagram/fb being the pinnacles of a persons existence, being fundamentally ‘look at how cool i am’.

I’m not counting IM messenger programs like discord or matrix or sms as social medias or phone apps like the 1900s era telephone. Obv i message/call my mom a lot. Pseudo/Anonymous social medias like reddit/4chan etc are also different that say facebook, and i’m not talking about them either.

I’ve noticed that when trying to use social media for networking irl, it’s god awful for that. But when i’m using it for business/marketing, it goes better.

  • @hfkldjbuq@beehaw.org
    2 years ago

    There are two main types of social media: entity/individual focused, and community focused. The former is increasingly marketed, and really mostly useful for market/capital, influence/manipulation, networking reasons. Since the Reddit redesign, Reddit is becoming just like the former type.