• Muad'Dibber
    62 years ago

    Usually work out in the morning, so just oatmeal + oat milk. Lotsa calories, fiber, and its filling enough to keep you going through till lunch.

    • @holdengreen@lemmygrad.ml
      22 years ago

      If I’m hungry before run I’ll maybe eat a banana or something. A little energy but not gonna make me need to poop real bad…

      • Muad'Dibber
        22 years ago

        Nothing worse than having to poo while in the middle of a run, and no bathrooms in sight.

        • @holdengreen@lemmygrad.ml
          22 years ago

          recently I drove with my mom up to round table for her meeting. I stayed and ate some free pizza and stuff. earlier I had some super spicy chorizo and the night before. I decided to walk home, ended up sorta running and sh*t myself right as I was getting to my bathroom. that was fun.

        • Camarada ForteOP
          22 years ago

          Nothing worse than having to poo while in the middle of a run, and no bathrooms in sight.

          If you picture you are running towards a bathroom, it makes the exercise more intense. The effort to clench your butt cheeks to prevent the poo will make your legs and ass ripped like a Greek god.

          But if you feel like you’ll be bad in the stomach, never do leg presses, or any leg exercise in general. Ever. No clenching will prevent you from tragedy