I’m currently writing this on the MATE desktop. I started with linux on the gnome 2 desktop, so it only makes sense. A long time ago I used Xmonad (a tiling window manager) but tiling has less appeal for me now. If I need/want a lightweight solution, I use CWM (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cwm_(window_manager), which was originally developed on OpenBSD, but is usually available across different Linux distros and BSD’s.

I’ve tried pretty much every DE/WM under the sun at this point, and would be interested to know what you use and why

  • savoy
    82 years ago


    When I first started using Linux full-time around 2015, I used Cinnamon on Mint. 2017 I made the switch to XFCE on Debian, and 2018 I started to look at tiling WMs once my usage mostly revolved around the terminal.

    i3 honestly seemed too “basic” and I already had a bad impression of it after unsuccessfully trying it. Heard that bspwm was another popular one, so set that up on Debian and I’ve used it since, even now that I’m on Void