Just like the thread about distro’s I thought we could share what hardware we use/own? Would be neat to see everyone’s set ups, maybe there’s some unusual hardware out there.

I have two older thinkpad’s (t420/t430s), a gateway laptop (yes that’s a thing). Somewhere around here I have a raspberry pi 4 2gb model, and some random no name minipc that I deeply regreat buying lol. All running some combination of debia/suse/freebsd/openbsd

  • @sudojonz@lemmygrad.ml
    42 years ago

    A couple of older Chromebooks that are able to run alternate firmware (shoutout to mrchromebox) and I have them running an EOL GalliumOS3.1 that I’m about to upgrade to something current. Will probably go with either Linux Mint XFCE or MXLinux to keep it light enough as a travelbook.

    I mainly use a Clevo Laptop with an i7-7700 and it has a GTX 1060 for some good-ish gaming when I get around to it. This one running Linux Mint 20. It gets hot as hell during most games though even with medium graphics settings an external cooling mat.