• Arthur BesseA
    42 years ago

    ed25519 is an alternative asymmetric encryption standard. You can twin it with autocrypt to get an alternative to PGP’s web-of-trust stuff.

    ed25519 is for signatures, not encryption. You can also do key agreement with ECDH (enabling encryption) using curve25519, but that is not called ed25519. It is sometimes called x25519, but in GPG a curve25519 encryption key is called “cv25519”.

    Neither of these is an alternative to the OpenPGP standard, and in fact modern PGP implementations allow PGP to use these primitives instead of RSA and other older primitives.

    Autocrypt provides an alternative to PGP’s web-of-trust concept, but does so using PGP too.

    @OP - there are lots of good reasons to criticize the OpenPGP standard but the identity of investors in the PGP company 20 years ago is not high on the list.