It was shared on GitHub on Sunday July 22 by staff. Developers who run the project do not seem to do merges on Saturday and Sunday. I submitted a pull request Sunday evening given the server crash relief this would provide, ready for them first thing Monday. I clearly labeled the pull request as “emergency”.

It is well into Wednesday and merges are being done on new site features for for the past 3 days. Yet, server crash pull request was edited to remove “emergency” from description first thing Monday and sits without any urgency attention.

This is the same pattern I saw for the past 2 months regarding server crashes related to PostgreSQL.

  • RoundSparrowOP
    1 year ago

    For developers so concerned to keep you “on topic” and “not to bring up things outside the scope of their issue” on GitHub… they sure do not seem to care about the technical reputation of Lemmy as a platform throwing errors all over the front page, app clients, and the delivery of messages, meeting their own promise of deleting (“full delete”), and their own promise of “high performance”. Crashes caused directly by the Account Delete are in fact what the fixes I pull requested on Sunday are intended to address. Very concerned with how a human being interacts on GitHub comments, they are very concerned you use Matrix to talk to other developers (and ignore Lemmy postings about server crashes / constant SQL related failure errors), but not at all concerned about the unwashed non-developer masses of people who try to use Lemmy and get crash errors.

    I still think it’s a form of social hazing being played on newcomers. Some kind of anti-establishment social hazing, to watch for over 2 months as flocks of users come from Reddit frustrations and Elon Musk “X” renaming - to not have any sense of priority in fixing the SQL with server crashes. Tuning off aggregate counting PostgreSQL triggers would have been an immediate crisis mitigation. The developers know the 4 year history of all the code and how those April 2022 TRIGGER functions can be removed, but they seem to want the hazing social approach to play out on the newcomers from Reddit, Twitter, etc.

    • RoundSparrowOP
      1 year ago

      Fresh example, users here on Lemmy reporting that Join-Lemmy is 502 nginx errors, This kind of total crash for the project has been normalized for the 62 days I have been testing Lemmy at least 3 hours each and every day.