My life is, by every objective measurement, very very good.

And in spite of all of that, I struggle every day with my self esteem, my self worth, and my value not only as an actor and writer, but as a human being.

That’s because I live with Depression and Anxiety, the tag team champions of the World Wrestling With Mental Illness Federation.

      2 years ago

      That do be the human condition. Turns out we’re all chasing that dopamine. Some of us aren’t so lucky and need meds to help with those 4 feel good hormones lol.

      2 years ago

      Have you ever spent weeks and months and years of being so sad that you don’t even want to exist anymore? And the feeling won’t stop, so you start thinking that you want to die instead of not exist? Then that turns into wanting to kill yourself instead of just wanting to die, then that turns into daydreaming about the different ways that you’ll kill yourself, and then turns into trying to figure out how to get what you need to do it, and where to do it?

      Yeah, mood stabilizers help with that.