• AgreeableLandscape☭@lemmygrad.mlM
    2 years ago

    One: I very much doubt those are real quotes any of these people said about homosexuals. Maybe someone can enlighten me, but without references to the specific texts or speeches in which these quotes were said, I don’t think the burden of proof has been met.

    Two: People can be, and always are, wrong on some things and right on others. That’s a cornerstone of being human and not a mindless automaton. And people following their teachings are allowed to ignore things they disagree with and embrace what they agree with. Communism isn’t a religion where literally everything prominent communist figures say is sacred. We have never claimed that those people are right about literally everything they talk about, simply that they make good points on some areas. But I suppose libs do in fact think that’s the case, because apparently we’re all brainwashed into total compliance and that thoughtcrime is a thing. Example for libs: you like George Washington, right? Well, he was ultra homophobic (probably DID think homosexuals are worse than ped*philes), chauvinistic (he’s definitely stated women were subservient to men), white supremicist, and was a prominant slave owner and defended such practice. Does that automatically mean you, and every other liberal, hold those same beliefs?