It always comes from the “nice guys” type. But it is also commonly said on TV that women love douchebags and therefore love being abused. In an episode of Family Guy, Quagmire or Brian tells Stewie that women enjoy being abused, so mistreating them will get them a girlfriend. This idea is obviously wrong and damaging. It perpetuates the idea that women are weak and need to be mistreated in order to be loved, when in reality the opposite is true. Women should be respected and treated with kindness, not abused in any way. This insanity about women should never be tolerated, no matter the context. Not only does this hurt women emotionally, it always leads to physical violence. It contributes to a dangerous cycle of abuse, as women may start to believe that this kind of treatment is normal and acceptable. Abuse of any kind is never okay and it is important to be aware of the damaging effects it can have on people. This shit is exemplified by the case of Brock Turner, who was convicted of sexual assault and served only three months in prison. His lenient sentence was seen by many as evidence that society does not take sexual assault seriously, and that it is somehow acceptable to harm and take advantage of women.

My opinion (I have no doubt I am right about this) is that sexism is the foundation of fascism…

My brother who considers himself a leftist and defines his views as socialist. “Nice guys finish last” and “women love bad boys” are a couple of ridiculous things he often says. Despite the fact that my brother is pretty “popular” with women, he doesn’t understand that the women he dates are almost always drug addicts or alcoholics. He dates them through Tinder. It’s basically the same thing incels do, judging all women based on this sex app called Tinder.

We should never measure a man’s success based on how many women he slept with. It always makes the men treat women like sexual objects or a trophy to put on a display. Fundamentally, they become an instrument to accomplish a goal. (I’m saying we should not “virgin shame” i know it’s tempting but try not to do it)

The idea that women only love “alpha males” is complete bullshit and ultimately hurts them. In doing so, it reinforces the dominant-submissive dichotomy. As in, the strong should rule the weak. Observe in the picture I posted that this shitty person compares women to children because of their perceived shared weakness…while asserting that men are stronger than them both…

“”“There is nothing worse in my book than a man who betrays the trust of those weaker than himself, be they children or women.”“”"

Having comedians like Louis C.K doesn’t help much either with jokes like "men fuck things up, women are fucked up”. What does that even mean you little shit??? Men are the ones who shoot up schools and throw acid at people when they’re rejected. Can’t they both fuck things up and also be fucked in the head at the same time? These “jokes” are casually accepted by most people… I am aware that most communists do not think that way, but based on the example of my brother, I am skeptical.

Also, this shithead in the picture says…””many women are understandably attracted to good looks in a man, and willing to overlook some pretty obvious character flaws if the man is, and perceived to be by other women, physically attractive””

It’s like they all think women are 14 year old tweens…They are all naive, according to them.

This is why I am not surprised when a lot of these men end up being child molesters…

  • 133arc585
    1 year ago

    I would actually argue that the foundation of fascism is purely economic

    Yes, I do agree with that. I guess when I said foundation, that was the wrong word. I think hierarchy is the form it takes on or that protects it, and even if it’s essential it’s not necessarily foundational.

    More reliable, I think, is to know intellectually and to continually remind oneself that humanity is very precious

    Yes I also agree here. For me, empathy is an easy shortcut to what I know intellectually. I feel empathy for a fellow human and that shortcuts the need to remind myself intellectually that I should respect their humanity. But you make a good point that even for a person that makes it difficult to have empathy for, or for whom you find yourself struggling to have empathy, being able to resort to the intellectual approach is definitely beneficial. I will say, though, the specific context I mentioned empathy was: with regards to sexism (or racism, for example). I think there, you hopefully won’t have to resort to intellecutalizing, because even if there’s an individual of the opposite sex you don’t feel empathy for, hopefully there are some you do or, short of that, you are able to feel empathy for the abstract notion of a human who is not fundamentally different than you in what matters most: being human.

    Thank you for giving me reason to revisit this and give it more thought.