I’m an artist/music producer and I’m wary of the whole security state so I have a hard time reconciling the contradiction of needing to make money under capitalism and also my political views, cause making money doing what I’m doing requires some degree of visibility. Are there any extra steps I should take to ensure that I’m not “too visible” so to speak? I don’t think it’s avoidable at all and the solution is probably to somewhat hide my power level.

  • Marxine
    1 year ago

    That’s not a career ruining issue tbh, if someone “finds out” and the conversation isn’t favourable you can just pass it as “it was a phase of mine”. I used to do art for small games and commissioned paintings and signed some stuff with a pseudonym similar to this one before, no one ever minded it.

    Most professional contacts couldn’t care less about random internet comments though, especially in the artistic industry. I’d be more worried if you were to work in a law firm or some IT defense contractor. And if a business that shouldn’t be this serious does such a thorough background check and finds issue with political views, it’s probably a red flag.