The whole article is quite funny, especially the lists of most used tankie words, or the branding of foreignpolicy as a left-wing news source.

  • 133arc585
    1 year ago

    Oh good god. I had given them the benefit of the doubt and assumed there was no way an actual professor would be any of the names on it. I figured such poor work could only be explained by being ignorant undergrads. I genuinely would question their previous work if they are comfortable publishing this garbage.

    This is downright shameful. I’d be embarassed to be a student of these profs, or of the department.

    Now I’m genuinely curious if they embezzled some of the NSF money, or are otherwise being paid for this? I extremely rarely take up the whole “paid shill” angle, because frankly it’s almost never the case, but how in the everloving shit would these people produce and publish such trash and not feel embarassed?