• @MerchantsOfMisery
    32 years ago

    I had a Netflix account for about 10 years. I never used it-- I just let a bunch of my really non-tech savvy friends/family use the account along with my VPN account to bypass region restrictions. Personally, I never stopped torrenting content for myself because I find it to be a far superior way of acquiring/viewing media than streaming.

    But now? Now I’ve cancelled my Netflix account (3+ years ago) and I try to spend more time explaining to non-tech savvy people how to torrent. It’s like teaching a person how to fish-- it may be tricky at first but in the end once they get the hang of it, they’ll never stop.

    Also, I stream movies/TV shows on demand for people via a popular VoIP application (I’m sure you can guess but please don’t say it, for obvious reasons) so if a friend wants to watch something, all they have to do is give me a movie/show title and time then I can set up a viewing for them.