I’ve been working in the food industry for about 3 years now, and the long hours, no prospect of upward mobility, and bosses (derogatory), I can safely say I don’t enjoy this anymore (not that I really did to begin with, just needed pocket money bro).

Luckily, I do have a considerable sum of money saved up over the years. I do have a business idea in mind which would be somewhat passive (mushroom growing), but I’m afraid that it would just be a money pit and I’d be worse off. On the other hand, there’s going back to school. I’m still young, but alas, the prospect of a student loan is not enticing at all.

I could do maintain the job, go to school, and do the mushrooming…in theory…but I do enjoy having time for the gym and just going out for hikes.

What seems like the best course of action?

  • @CommunistWolf@lemmygrad.ml
    52 years ago

    I wouldn’t call growing mushrooms a passive job, myself, although it’s definitely better than working kitchens. Still, there will be Plenty of Work, and there are various health risks associated with breathing the spores constantly - if you don’t have a dedicated, separate space, I’d absolutely recommend against it. Shipping containers are popular, I hear.

    If you do have that, sadly, almost all new businesses fail within the first few years, so it is a risky strategy, and as the person closest to it, you won’t be in a good position to evaluate the risks. You’d need outside advice from people with a great deal of knowledge about your situation and the market situation in your area. A mentor, in other words. Sadly, the people best placed to be that will also be your erstwhile competition.

    Treat it like you’re investing in some random mushroom farm on a crowdfunding platform somewhere. Would you be happy to do that with your money?