I’ve been working in the food industry for about 3 years now, and the long hours, no prospect of upward mobility, and bosses (derogatory), I can safely say I don’t enjoy this anymore (not that I really did to begin with, just needed pocket money bro).

Luckily, I do have a considerable sum of money saved up over the years. I do have a business idea in mind which would be somewhat passive (mushroom growing), but I’m afraid that it would just be a money pit and I’d be worse off. On the other hand, there’s going back to school. I’m still young, but alas, the prospect of a student loan is not enticing at all.

I could do maintain the job, go to school, and do the mushrooming…in theory…but I do enjoy having time for the gym and just going out for hikes.

What seems like the best course of action?

  • Mehrtelb [he/him]
    92 years ago

    I’m currently stuck in retail and had this job for almost 6 years. I have been accepted into a college and am really looking forward to leave this shitty place behind. (German, so no student loans makes that decision easier) From my experience, I’d say trust your gut. Nobody on the Internet will be able to tell you what will make you happy, you have to find that for yourself. Pro and Contra Lists rarely help, listen to your heart and what you want, not what you should.

    Take some time, like a weekend or vacation, to figure this out. Good Luck.