What’s going on is a coup against Congress and the Constitution
Indivisible is calling on Americans to organize in-person visits to their congressmembers local offices
What’s going on is a coup against Congress and the Constitution
Indivisible is calling on Americans to organize in-person visits to their congressmembers local offices
Idk, in the last couple of days I’ve heard powerful statements from dem leadership about maintaining relationships with “good billionaires” and how we should go yo war with Iran.
I don’t think that’s representative of what they’re saying as a group
Well they should send the memo to their leadership then!
They are all in to support a law going after illegal streaming services: https://politics.slashdot.org/story/25/01/30/028201/democrat-teams-up-with-movie-industry-to-propose-website-blocking-law
If blocking websites to help industry make more money doesnt help the people, I dont know what will.