No disrespect meant.

By armchair socialists I mean: like you won’t go out to protests, wont try to talk to your neighbors about organizing etc. Just slacktivism like changing your profile picture to pride during pride week and posting on lemmy at best.

Yeah I get that a bunch of netizens probably have mental health problems, but I bet my life that other activists over history have had severe mental/physical health problems but still went out, at least sometimes.

  • @meloo@lemmy.perthchat.orgOP
    22 years ago

    Also, i don’t know much much free time you have, but i would extremely impressed and jump ship to your ideology if you could whip !’s matrix/discord/telegram chat into something vaguely revolutionary. I have no idea why most participants are even there. They seem to oppose:

    We’re trying to improving working conditions and pay.
    We’re trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
    We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.