ID: 3 panel comic:

  1. A surprised looking person pops in to existence on a floating rock surrounded by fire, next to the devil.

  2. The person asks “wait a second-- why’d I end up in hell??”

  3. The devil, now taking up the entire frame, replies: “because centrism enables fascism”

  • thoro
    10 days ago

    Please read literally any socialist theory. Or at least any criticism of the Nordic model from the left.

    And understand that “middle ground” arguments are fallacious and something being the middle ground does not make it the better or correct option.

    Edit: Why Social Democracy Isn’t Good Enough - Second Thought

      10 days ago

      I usually don’t listen to videos but since you’re respectful so far I did listen to this one. We agree with the current reality of the system. I think what is neglected is that additional regulation (laws and constitutional amendments) are the only nonviolent way for a society to change. Enough good regulation results in first social democracy then moving closer to socialism. The major requirement is for companies/ceos/shareholders to be prevented from having the poison pill influence that they do under even Nordic social democracy. Sufficient taxation above a given limit is a relatively simple way of preventing the wealth hoarding that lets a person or company have that influence and preventing acquisitions and mergers that prevent diversification of economies.

      I just don’t see the class/general consciousness necessary for “true” socialism to succeed being present in our lifetime. I can see social democracy as possible because of Bernie, AOC, and renewed working class solidarity.