“Ants follow pheromone trails marked by a leader ant, and move in platoons with small gaps and no overtaking,” notes Guerrieri.
Since the cars are all moving together, maybe we could connect them all together so that each individual car wouldn’t need its own engine and fuel. And if they aren’t allowed to pass each other, I think we could put them all on one single track or set of rails, that way we don’t need to maintain infrastructure that no one is using.
What? No, this is a cool new idea for the transportation of people. It’ll be the next big thing in how you get from place to place in public, just you wait.
Since the cars are all moving together, maybe we could connect them all together so that each individual car wouldn’t need its own engine and fuel. And if they aren’t allowed to pass each other, I think we could put them all on one single track or set of rails, that way we don’t need to maintain infrastructure that no one is using.
Now we just have to find a name for this new transportation mode.
Isn’t that a train?
What? No, this is a cool new idea for the transportation of people. It’ll be the next big thing in how you get from place to place in public, just you wait.