Hello em poc comrades!! How are we all doing? Are we doing anything interesting this week? Any fun reads lately? I’ve been working on writing a communist fantasy series based inspired by the Chinese Revolution and a lot of my reading lately has been research for that, which also doubles as theory and history reading haha
As always, this thread is EM POC only!!!
95% of the time when anglo speaks say “the government” or “the people”, they mean the U.S. government and white people. Mfs be like “people in the 1500s used to watch public execution”, no you bastard that’s your people that used to that, that’s white Europeans in the 1500s, most of the world just kind of went along with their day stop making this into a group project. Or it’s some bullshit about “today we live in the safest times and I can pay 1.50 for oranges out of their season” yeah because some kid in Africa or South America is forced to work wageless for it, fuck you
Fr, Sandouq_Dyatha. That’s B.S, and they call that country which does this sort of periphery exploitation but is aligned to them, a ‘{bourgeois liberal} democracy’. Like Lenin said, democracy for the slave owners.
You know, I tell ye what, it’s like Rania never left
The fastest way for Americans to reveal their racism is to talk to them about foreign policy. They’ll tout their “support” for Chinese-Americans being targeted for hate crimes due to covid conspiracy nonsense, for example, then turn around and talk about China being full of “brainwashed commies who support authoritarianism 1956 Gorge Oddbell.” They don’t acknowledge how they’re talking about relatives and friends of the same people they claim to support.
And I think they know how this rhetoric contributes to hate crimes, but this gives them a cover to hate immigrants without saying so. They get to pretend to be progressive and more enlightened than open fascists, patting themselves on the back for doing so. Meaning, they support the racist actions and hate crimes. They’re just too chickenshit to come out and say it.
I would say a Mass, Elites, and Rebels quote but I think I’ve kicked the horse dead enough.
We need an emoji tbh