I’m imagining as years go by when/if this AI regex code breaks - nobody knows how it works or how to fix it. Am I wrong?

I’m not a programmer and I write shitty code but I can manage to write simple regex to create quick and dirty code. That’s a terrible programming choice I know but I never share my code. It’s just for me and it works.

  • merthyr1831
    1 month ago

    Personally I don’t think it’s all that deep in this case. However, if we did assume that AI will result in the general “dumbing down” of developers the same way mobile phones have dumbed down average tech users, I don’t think we’ll be in an “end of history” scenario where no one can maintain code.

    What’ll likely happen is that dumbed down devs end up not progressing as highly or quickly, as employers select developers who can maintain and write code without AI training wheels. It’ll be a dialectic relationship, where eventually methodical and knowledgeable devs are less preferable to the “dump a load of code held together with spaghetti” dev becomes preferable again.

    If anything we’ve seen it happen for years. The technically minded Devs create high level tools or technologies that lower the bar of entry in some way - the lower bar creates a bunch of new Devs with less technical knowledge - the sustainability of systems written by less technical Devs requires new technical Devs to design new high level tools.