Hidenburg research’s business model is to produce hit pieces to then short sell the company they attack. They have monetary incentives to attack companies, I don’t know if they’re trustworthy.
I’d say it could go either way. You could publish a positive piece on a company and then buy stock in them. They can make a profit whether their research turns out positive or negative. This would however give them an incentive to sensationalize their results, to exaggerate their findings, be they positive or negative.
Hidenburg research’s business model is to produce hit pieces to then short sell the company they attack. They have monetary incentives to attack companies, I don’t know if they’re trustworthy.
I’d say it could go either way. You could publish a positive piece on a company and then buy stock in them. They can make a profit whether their research turns out positive or negative. This would however give them an incentive to sensationalize their results, to exaggerate their findings, be they positive or negative.
yeah but everyone knows roblox is a pedophile hellscape