The Last game I played was Splatoon 3. It really depends on a few things, Am I an Inkling/Octoling? Do I speak the language? Where am I? In Splatoon lore all humans died in mass floods, so if I was still human I would probably be studied. Also, if I’m in the middle of the ocean I would be screwed either way. Assuming that I am in a major city or at least near civilization, and I am an Inkling/Octoling, and I speak the language, I would be fine. As for what I would do, I would sign up to work at Grizco, and once I have enough money buy a gun and participate in turf wars to gain money, eventually buying an appartment.

  • Ephera
    4 months ago

    Uh, technically the last game I played is this 2D puzzle:

    So, with a bit of imagination:

    I run for my life as walls and whole rooms shoot out of the ground in random locations.
    But run where? There’s a perimeter wall in all directions.
    Eventually, I get trapped in a hallway. ‘5’ it says on the floor. I can spot a ‘2’ at the other end, before another wall slides up in front of it. The lights turn off.

    A few more echos can be heard, before the lights flicker and a speaker drones “Completed!”.

    The lights turn back on, the walls and the ‘5’ disappear.
    A ‘3’ reveals itself underneath my feet, and a '6’ right next to me. A wall shoots up between. What the hell do these numbers mean? And who operates this sick game?