Games that I put in this category: The first spyro game (not sure about the later ones, havent played) and A Link Between Worlds are both very fun and rewarding to complete and never feel like a chore to do so.

One game that is very much NOT in this category, as is often said, is DK64 lol. But everyone says that. I’ve also heard people say Super Mario Oddessy is fun to beat but not fun to complete, same with BOTW because of the Koroks. People usually say this about SM Sunshine as well but I dont really mind it in this game.

Sidenote complain about the world: Sandbox games combined with my autistic obsessive compulsive need for completionism lead to me playing them with very frusterating habits lmao. No Man’s Sky is the worst for me. I LOVE that game but god the respawning ROCKS ruin the experiance kind of. If the rocks stayed gone, I could use them to gradually explore the worlds I’m on in a completiony way. (Even knowing that like even a single planet is kind of impossible to fully explore let alone the entire fucking universe lol). But I cant!!!

Sorry I need to shove that rant into everything. Completionist mindset also limits me with games like Terraria, Minecraft, and Starbound as well but not as badly because I at least can keep track of exploration in those (Or just dig deep pits in minecraft as I enjoy doing to waste time while I watch streams lol).

I also get myself caught in absurd goals that NOONE expects you to do and the game doesnt keep track of (no achievemnt for it or anything) sometimes like doing all coin runs in Mario 64 or marrying, seeing the 14 star event, and then divorcing every spouse in Stardew Valley lol. (I acutally havent started the second thing but it is sort of in my head as a goal).

This turned into a general rant about how my completionism effects me lmao but anyway thoughts.

  • ShinkanTrain
    3 days ago

    Do you like monster catching games? Cassette Beasts and Monster Sanctuary held me for a while. Also, Ni No Kuni to some extent.

    Both of the modern Rayman games were pretty fun to collect everything for.

    I’d suggest any Monster Hunter game but trying to get everything in some of those will literally take over 1000 hours

    • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOP
      3 days ago

      I do like monster catching games in theory, but when I played Pokemon X I got so caught up in the details (largely Pokemon aimie, lol) that I never finished the actual game lmao. I have Monster Sanctuary in my steam library already so I’ll make a mental note to check that out. Cassete Beasts is wishlisted. I have the Rayman games as well.

      Monster Hunter never really caught my interest personally.