• Cowbee [he/him]
    5 months ago


    “Order must prevail” - Biden to protestors calling him out for genocide. Violent crackdowns on student protestors.

    Allowing Roe V Wade to be overturned and no plan to reinstate abortion protections. Refusing to pack the courts or play hardball, just letting everything increasingly slip away.

    Literal genocide actively funded by Biden.

    This is well beyond the point of no return. If Biden had an R next to his name with the same amount of fascism, Blue MAGA might actually give a damn about the lives of Palestinians, instead of trying to pretend Biden is some great hero and shitting on protestors for daring to call him out.

    • Furbag@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Biden to protestors calling him out for genocide. Violent crackdowns on student protestors.

      Last I checked, the executive is not in control of state or local police departments. He did not command them to crack down on protests. He’s doing what a president is supposed to do, which is be the voice of reason. He has never said that the protests were wrong. In fact, he is on record saying that everybody has the right to protest, but they must do so legally. Trespassing and destruction of property are not legal. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. I’m sure you’d feel different about it if people broke into your house and wrecked your shit and then tried to argue that they shouldn’t be arrested because it’s their first amendment right to protest.

      Allowing Roe V Wade to be overturned

      Who appointed the conservative majority that led to that decision? Trump. Yeah, let’s blame the guy sitting in the chair now for the shit his predecessor got rolling last term. Real intelligent take there.

      Refusing to pack the courts or play hardball,

      If he packed the courts, you’d be saying he’s undemocratic for that. Give me a break. FYI, Biden is pushing for stronger federal protections on abortion rights, so he is doing everything in his power to change things within the framework of his authority in the government. The president is not a king. Congress and the Judicial have to play ball as well.

      By the way, packing the courts won’t get Roe v Wade reinstates because they could always decide to not hear the case again. That’s going to take a legislative effort to fix the problem that the courts created in the first place.

      Literal genocide actively funded by Biden.

      Didn’t ask about that, because the answer was obvious, but thanks for volunteering the information again.

      I remain unconvinced.

      • Cowbee [he/him]
        5 months ago

        Ah yes, the “voice of reason” is telling students to accept getting absolutely blasted by Zionist fascists and cops for protesting against his genocide. It’s telling that you consider police brutality “the voice of reason,” lmao.

        If Biden packed the courts, I would be happy that he took a stance against Conservatives. He would actually be representing the will of the people if he did that, the fact that you have to invent my position for me proves just how little you understand leftists.

        I am fully aware that packing the courts won’t get Roe back, lol. What it would do is prevent similar far-right bullshit, but Joe is okay with it so he won’t.

        You’re doing a great job illustrating how you are okay with fascism.

        • Furbag@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Wow, talk about inventing positions. Biden saying “please don’t violate the law when you protest” is the same as “telling students to accept getting absolutely blasted by Zionist fascists and cops for protesting against his genocide”?

          You know what? I’ve got a lot better things to be doing with my weekend than arguing with you about this. I live in reality, so it’ll be impossible for us to ever see eye to eye on things. Sounds like you’ve got a really busy schedule of protesting and donating your time and money in a single-minded fervor, so why don’t you get back to doing that, sport? You’re just wasting words on me.

          • Cowbee [he/him]
            5 months ago

            Yes, it is, actually. The protests have been peaceful, with more violence coming from the fascist Zionists. Biden is okay with that, he’s a self-admitted Zionist, and is trying to frame civil disobediance as violent.

            You don’t live in reality, you live in your own privledged bubble, which is why you are batting for a fascist committing genocide.